Cookie Policy

The Cookie policy is to declare to users on what cookies are active on your site, what user data they track, what their purpose is, and where the data is sent. Cookies are a potential privacy risk because they can track, store, and share user behavior.

When you use the Service, we may send cookies to your device to uniquely identify your browser session. We can use both session cookies and persistent cookies. We may use cookies to store information so that you do not have to re-enter it in future visits. We may also use that information to provide personalized content, certain features, and targeted information, and monitor the effectiveness of the Service through statistics such as the number of visitors and page views. We may also use this information to operate, maintain, and improve the features and functionality of the Service. But we promise that information will not be shared with any third party for any commercial use. If you do mind, you can also reject cookies by changing the settings of your browser.